International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex discrimination and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)

Join people around the world today and go rainbow against discrimination.

Thu, 16 May 2024,
posted by City of Sydney

Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex discrimination and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Join people around the world today and go rainbow against discrimination.

The day aims to raise awareness about LGBTQIA+ rights violations and promote interest in LGBTQIA+ rights work worldwide. On this day, people around the world come together to stand against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersex status.

IDAHOBIT encourages everyone to take a stance against discrimination and promote equality and acceptance for all.

We sat down with our colleague and Guest Experience Manager, Matt, ahead of IDAHOBIT to talk about the significance of the day.

Q. Why – in your opinion – are days against discrimination like IDAHOBIT important?

A. I identify as a cis-gender gay man, I can most certainly attest that things have changed for the better since I was a teenager, when I received the message that part of who I am was considered unnatural and abhorrent.

Discovering who you are as a teenager has always been a challenge, but when you receive the message that you are not quite right and can’t see other people like you, the challenge is all the much harder. Young people need all the love, support, and encouragement we can give. In the workplace we are often the first opportunity for emerging LGBT youth to start that journey and annual events such as IDAHOBIT being celebrated or recognised in the workplace go a long way.

Q. Can you tell us about an instance when someone was an effective ally to you, and how it made you feel?

A. The day the outcome of the Marriage Equality vote was announced, all my colleagues gathered around to watch with me and cheered and celebrated with me. There were tears and hugs and I felt truly seen and accepted by my community in a way that I have never felt before. I am proud to say I married my long-term partner (now husband) in the year of our 21st anniversary.

Q. Tell us about your experience as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community in your workplace?

A. It’s wonderful to be held in such a safe space, seeing so much personal expression of our true selves around me in my workplace makes coming to work easy.

A highlight to date was attending the Open day for Trans and Gender Diverse People at Cook + Phillip Pool on International Transgender Day of Visibility. It’s important to acknowledge such an important day for our communities.

Q. What is your top tip for someone just starting out in their LGBTQIA+ allyship or inclusion journey?

A. Coming out is not a once off, you will do it every time you meet a new friend, colleague, medical professional, or person in the street. It gets easier over time, but the key thing to remember is when you express your true self, never let anyone dim your light.