From member to group fitness instructor

Kate Hill became a 360 member at Gunyama Park in 2021 and found her passion for fitness which she has now turned into her side hustle.

Wed, 14 Sept 2022,
posted by City of Sydney

When Kate became a member at Gunyama Park, she never thought she would soon become a group fitness instructor.

After falling in love with the group fitness class SPRINT (a HIIT program on a bike), she became a regular at Anita's weekly classes. It didn't take long before Anita noticed a unique energy, enthusiasm and talent in Kate.

Full-time, Kate works as a biological scientist and exercise has been her outlet.

SPRINT gives her all she needs from her exercise. As she says “It is a nice, fast paced, cardio and low impact exercise” and now she wants to inspire others.

Watch a video with Kate where she shares her journey with us, just before her first official class.

If you are interested in becoming a fitness expert, or learning about career opportunities, submit your expression of interest.