How to make exercise accessible and enjoyable for everyone

As Exercise Right Week approaches, we look at the five best ways to make exercise a daily and enjoyable part of your life.

Fri, 10 May 2024,
posted by City of Sydney

We're all familiar with those individuals who effortlessly embrace exercise, finding endless motivation to either hit the gym, lift weights, or pound the pavement.

However for many, the idea of starting a fitness journey can be daunting and overwhelming. The gym can feel like a foreign territory, and the thought of stepping onto a treadmill or picking up a dumbbell can be intimidating.

The good news is you don't need to spend hours exercising to reap the benefits. The Australian Government recommends just 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week can make a significant difference towards a healthier lifestyle.

To guide Australians to find the exercise which is right for them, the Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) developed Exercise Right Week. The main purpose of this initiative is to promote the health benefits of physical activity and showing Australians how they can “exercise right” for their needs.

If you are not sure where to start, here are five simple ways to make exercise accessible and enjoyable within this timeframe.

1. Find Your Passion

Experiment with different activities until you find something you genuinely enjoy. Whether it's swimming laps, taking a brisk walk in nature, dancing to your favourite tunes, or joining a group fitness class, discovering what brings you joy will make it easier to stick to your routine.

2. Break it Down

Don't feel pressured to complete a full 30-minute session in one go. Break it down into manageable chunks throughout the day. Ten minutes of jumping jacks in the morning, a quick lunchtime stroll, and a post-dinner yoga session can add up to your daily goal.

3. Make it Social

Exercise is more enjoyable when shared with others. Grab a friend or family member and make your workouts a social affair. Whether it's a friendly game of tennis, a group fitness class, or am early morning walk around the neighbourhood, the camaraderie will keep you motivated and accountable.

4. Talk to an expert

If you have existing pre-conditions or injuries and are not sure where to start, then it is well worthwhile speaking with a professional.

An exercise physiologist (EP) or personal trainer can create an exercise program which best reflects your needs, abilities and goals.

5. Prioritise Self-Care

Remember exercise is not just about physical health but also mental well-being. Use this time to connect with yourself, de-stress, and recharge. Incorporate activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle stretching to promote relaxation and holistic wellness.

Exercise Right Week

When: 20 - 26 May 2024

As "Exercise Right" week unfolds, this is the perfect opportunity to prioritise our health and happiness. By making exercise accessible and enjoyable for just 30 minutes a day, we can pave the way towards a lifetime of vitality and fulfilment.

Bring a friend along to train with

During "Exercise Right" week, 360 members can bring a friend for free and enjoy some refreshing fruit cups, at any of the following classes:

Gunyama Park Aquatic & Recreation Centre

  • Monday 20 May - 8:15am GOLD Yoga
  • Monday 20 May - 12:00pm Deep Aqua

Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre

  • Tuesday 21 May - 12:00pm Yoga
  • Tuesday 21 May - 6:40pm Deep Aqua
  • Friday 24 May - 7:15am BODYBALANCE

Victoria Park Pool

  • Wednesday 22 May - 10:15am Shallow Aqua

Cook + Phillip Park Pool

  • Wednesday 22 May - 12:30pm Yoga

Prince Alfred Park Pool

  • Friday 24 May - 10:00am Shallow Aqua

Community Diabetes Workshop

We will be running a free workshop to help educate people, living with diabetes, on how to live a healthier life.

Learn more